Табак выдержанный коллекционный McClellаnd Dеep Hollоw 100 грамм, 2010 года
- Номинал
- $50
- Скидка
- 4%
- Экономия
- $2
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Far into the woods, away from the urban cacophony, is where the light, fragrant blend of rich Red Stoved Virginias is designed to transport the smoker. Relax and enjoy the moment.
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Blend Notes: The name Deep Hollow comes from the works of JRR Tolkien. Deephallow (Deep Hollow): A village on the Shire’s eastern border, built on the banks of the River Brandywine. Immediately across the river was Haysend, the southernmost point of Buckland, while just to the south of Deephallow, the River Shirebourn flowed into the Brandywine.
email: mikhaeldonezk@mail.ru
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